关于 P106 驱动的研究
准备矿难后捡个矿渣 P106 据说驱动是只支持到 417.22,这个驱动玩老头环估计是直接白屏闪退了。先自己找了些资料预习,顺便做个笔记。
You can try to spoof driver version (I don't know if this game will work)
SecureBoot should be disabled before this steps (you can re-enable it at the end)
- download and unpack driver
- modify /Display.Driver/nv_dispi.inf: replace 11/29/2018, by 03/04/2020,
- bcdedit /set testsigning on
- reboot
- install driver
- do a registry hack
- bcdedit /set testsigning off
- reboot
- set P106 as default GPU via NVIDIA Control Panel
- try to run the game
实例:what i did:
let windows update install graphic drivers.
then roll-back to previous driver with device manager
the re-apply the reg hack
and now it notifys about the out-date driver but it runs and it's very playable
更新到最新驱动,后回滚驱动到 417 版本。
版本 497.29 修改时间均对得上,但驱动内标记了 417.22 字样,驱动安装文件内部分文件修改时间对应为 417 版本。-未测试
补充:看起来是 497 和 417 驱动的混合,只有控制面板等杂项内容为 497,本质还是 417。
<setup title="${{ProductTitle}}" version="497.29 - 417.22 Hacked By TheUnlocker"
据描述 WDDM 和驱动对显卡 dx 是否生效有关。
设备管理器→选择图形适配器→属性→详细信息→硬件 ID
复制所有 ID
本地组策略编辑器 (gpedit.msc) → 计算机配置 → 管理模板 → 系统 → 设备安装 → 设备安装限制:
阻止安装与这些设备 ID 中的任何一个匹配的设备 → 启用
按“显示”并添加所有 4 个 ID
驱动版本为 466.47 GPU-Z 截图显示显存等多项内容为空白。
Hey im on windows 8.1 so i cannot try it but i think i found how to fix later driver versions of the windows 10 driver of whql. Same hacks from the video but... theres some extra areas to edit in the driver. Section 115-117. Those are for p102/p104-100/p104-90/p106-100. Soo we need to change the feature score, and add the features like mshybrid adapter from the old driver in the .inf document. Once this is done. The device list must be updated. I assume adding the subsystems of all 1060's and putting the p106-100 id's should work.
Note: to get the driver raw to do this i put the ibstall location as desktop. Copied all folders to a diffrent folder in desktop and then did said mods. Cause ms shared adapter isnt supported on basic didplay adapter (it will not read my intel card as 8th gen unless its safe to install a 6th gen and have worse performance?)
Then add the optimus support =1 to the feature set from a diffrent section and it should work. I cannot test as i lack a non basic display adapter and 10 drive but it may work. After u edit there will be a folder in "c: /nvidia/(username)/driver version". Mine is 471.68. (May be diffrent area as windows 8 file system). Put the install files there if think will cause less issue. Then try. Dont install geforce expirence. I found a p102-100 driver thats 384.something that had extra graphisc devices below the p102-p106 cards so i added those in. It had same with quadro and the like. I assime it unlocks some of the graphics capabilities locked as nothing supports a p102 normally. I can send the modded driver or explain more in depth if anyone would like to try. Good luck if anyone tries this. I say add all sub systems cause we can only assume that the subsys represents diffrent configs like gigabyte or the like. So if we add em all then its like "adding possible configs list for a 1060. Theres not as many p106-100's but still.
嘿,我在windows 8.1上,所以我不能尝试,但我想我找到了如何修复whql的windows 10驱动版本的后期驱动。和视频中的黑客一样,但是......在驱动中还有一些额外的地方需要编辑。第115-117节。那些是针对p102/p104-100/p104-90/p106-100。因此,我们需要改变功能得分,并在.inf文件中加入旧驱动程序中的mshybrid适配器等功能。一旦这样做了。设备列表必须被更新。我假设添加所有1060的子系统,并把p106-100的id的应该可以。
然后把optimus支持=1添加到不同部分的功能设置中,它应该可以工作。我无法测试,因为我缺乏一个非基本的显示适配器和10个驱动器,但它可能工作。在你编辑之后,在 "c: /nvidia/(username)/driver version "会有一个文件夹。我的是471.68。(可能与windows 8的文件系统不同)。把安装文件放在那里,如果你认为会导致更少的问题。然后试试。不要安装Geforce的过期文件。我发现一个p102-100的驱动,384.什么的,在p102-p106卡下面有额外的图形设备,所以我把它们加进去。它和quadro之类的也一样。我认为它可以解锁一些被锁定的图形功能,因为通常没有什么东西支持P102。如果有人愿意尝试,我可以把修改过的驱动程序寄给他,或者更深入地解释。如果有人尝试这个,祝你好运。我说添加所有的子系统是因为我们只能假设这些子系统代表不同的配置,如Gigabyte或类似的。因此,如果我们把它们都加进去,那么它就像 "为1060增加可能的配置列表"。虽然没有那么多P106-100的配置,但还是有的。
Its less modding in the 10 driver vs 8.1. Just changed the inf. I didnt add the extra device codes from 384 p102-100 but maybe this will work driver modded inf and device list (p10x-90 card was on device list already) the list is to add p102 support. So optional. The actual mod and rest of p102 add is in the .inf. driver. I think its either version 491.x or 471 the inf is modded for but ahoulsnt matter. Good luck. Would of sent sooner but had pc issues. Fine now tho.
if that doesnr work try changing feature score to d1 in section 45(p106 part). Thats what it was in p102 driver. I put the same score as a 1060 3gb.... but idk if it made a diffrence
在WIN10版驱动与WIN8.1版相比,它的修改量更少。只是改变了信息。我没有添加384 p102-100的额外的设备代码,但也许这将工作驱动修改过的信息和设备列表(p10x-90卡已经在设备列表上),列表是添加p102支持。所以可有可无。实际的修改和其余的p102的添加是在.inf.驱动程序中。我想它的版本是491.x或471,信息被修改了,但这并不重要。祝您好运。我本来想早点发的,但是电脑出了问题。不过现在很好。
如果这个方法不奏效,可以尝试在第45节(P106部分)将功能分数改为D1。这就是P102驱动中的情况。我把1060 3gb.... 相同的分数,但不知道它是否有区别。
或许可以通过无限网卡 Ax200 改 Killer 1650x 的手法,也就是通过注册表修改硬件ID来欺骗驱动这是张 1060 而不是 P106。但就目前收集的信息来看,驱动有可能直接通过显卡核心来区分显卡的,总之先把这个记起来。
刷 BIOS 无效,似核心锁定。
焊接缺失电阻无法使 PCIE 带宽恢复到正常水平,所以可以根据这个来判断一张 1060 是否为 P106 改的。
结束 或许之后会更新实战